SNU LogoKettering Spiritualist National Church

St. Peters Avenue, Kettering, NN16 OHD

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Church Membership

Jacqueline Smith
Jacqueline Smith (Secretary)

At Kettering Spiritualists' Church we currently have over 90 members and like to think those members feel a part of the Church's family. Church membership is open to everyone over the age of 18, those younger than 18 can become members of the Lyceum section of SNU churches. Presently, we do not have a Lyceum but would very much like to start one in the future. You do not have to be a member to attend our Church of course. Many people come when they have a specific need, or only come to Special Events. Some people attend regularly but simply do not want to be part of a religion.

Application forms for membership of the Church are obtainable from myself, or from any Committee member when you come to Church. If you live locally you are required to attend our Church regularly over a period of time before the Committee will grant the application. This is because we like to put a face to a name on a piece of paper, and also to show your commitment to the Church and Spiritualism in general. Once your application has been approved, you become an Associate Member and will be informed by letter of this fact and asked to pay a membership fee (currently £10.00 per year). You remain an Associate Member of the Church for a period of 6 months then, as long as attendance has been kept up and you complete an Induction Course into Spiritualism, as required by the Spiritualist National Union, an invitation will be extended for you to attend a special Full Members' Welcome Service where a number of Associate Members will be accepted into Full Membership. At this service you are asked to read out and accept the Seven Principles of Spiritualism and confirm your commitment to Spiritualism.

Immediate benefits of church membership is a reduction on entrance fees for Saturday or other evening events and an Associate Member can attend the Church AGM or an EGM (Extraordinary General Meeting) but cannot vote on any matter arising. Voting rights only apply to Full Members.

The greatest benefit of being a member of our church however is knowing you are part of a community, a family, who care about you and see you as a friend. When people enter our Church they often comment that they feel they have "come home". Being a member really means you have.